It was a very different experience when I created Ron's cancer design.
I was on the outside looking in.
Not this time.
I am a woman of faith in good times and bad. The scriptures are a source of strength and encouragement to me. I knew one of them would become the very center of my life while I went through my surgery and treatment.
I will admit that there is nothing about having surgery that appeals to me on any level.
In fact I find it all a bit terrifying.
On the day I went in to the hospital I had written this verse on a small slip of paper and rolled it up in my hand and held it there. Close to the time for the surgery, the anesthesiologist came in to talk to me as they do. I asked him if he would keep the paper with the verse in my hand during surgery and he vowed he would.
Once I woke in recovery, the first thing I said was, I'm thirsty and where is my paper! The paper was held tightly in my left hand, badly wrinkled but with me.
I remember kissing it and feeling relief that the words written on it made that journey with me.
This is Isaiah 41:10 as it unfolds...............
I took my first stitches two days after surgery.
Progress in the first week.
All is recovery is taking time but that's ok.
I feel I have a lot of it going forward.