
October 26, 2013

"The Journey" - Part One

Not long after Ron was diagnosed with cancer I felt the need to express what he was going through creatively.  It took a bit of thinking but I arrived at the perfect design for him.  It's called "The Journey" and I will reveal it as it is stitched.  I'm a slow stitcher but I hope you will come back to watch for updates.  The design is unlike anything I have ever created. . . . and rightly so.  

I saw an etching in rock on the internet of what looked like a warrior on a horse.  I remember thinking that yes, he was a warrior about to do battle with cancer.  So at that moment, I adopted a Native American Indian theme for the design.  Ron likes western memorabilia . . . . it was perfect.

Next, I needed symbolism in the design so I chose the rain cloud to depict the storm he was going through.  

Beautiful bands of color are surrounding the design, holding the rider and his horse in place along with the elements.  

Some of the stitches went in while I waited at the cancer center. Others were stitched here at home as I wove prayers into those threads as they were being stitched . . . . . . . I watched, waited and worried and often times just held the piece in my hands, my needle never moving.

I hope to find momentum to finish another large section soon.

Until then. . . . . .



  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Diane what a beautiful post! Very touching... I can't wait to see it as you continue the design. We have a very dear friend that is going through pancreatic cancer. We have watched him in the past 6 weeks lose 60 lbs. In my heart I really don't think he is going to make it. but... I continue to pray for him and your family.

  2. That is beautiful Diane, both the sentiment and the progress so far! Keep going :)

  3. sheryl5:36 PM

    A beautiful piece created out of prayer - I hope it comforts you both in the years to come.

  4. What a beautiful way to deal with such an ugly disease. May it continue to bring you peace and comfort. On the selfish side, is this only a private piece or will you be sharing this blessing?

    1. I don't honestly know yet if I will publish it. Since it wasn't done in the traditional LHN style it doesn't fit our line. When I designed it I had just one person in mind. :) We'll see. . . . . . .

  5. Using the tools you have (talent) to show honor to one of the best ways to deal with stress and emotional fatigue! Can't wait for the finished piece...lovely!

  6. Anonymous6:01 PM

    My samplers were done 25 years ago when my DD was ill. She came through fine and the stitching is soothing to my soul.

  7. Anonymous6:03 PM

    It's beautiful. I will pray for you and Ron. I wish you a lotcof courage qnd i send you a lot of positive thinkings. Kiss from Ségolène Hendrickx in France (i'm sorry but my english is not very good)

  8. A beautiful and significant design interwoven with love and prayer. It is wonderful. Look forward to the next part.

  9. You are special. This is special.

  10. A moving post... Thank You! Can't wait to see the rest of the design.

  11. What a moving mission and a wonderful post. So touching. Bless you both.


  12. We used a similar "preparing for battle" mindset when my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. The battles were tough but he came through. We declared the war won when he was cancer free after 5 years. Please tell Ron to keep up the good fight! We will keep the prayers going!

  13. That's amazing, Diane. A tribute made with love and prayers.

  14. What a wonderful project, Diane! :)

  15. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. God knows and is within every last detail. Be blessed
    Liz x

  16. Awesome way to deal with your journey--positive thoughts and prayers your way

  17. What a beautiful thing to do - so much love and hope going into this piece. I think working on this sounds very therapeutic for you too.

  18. What a beautiful way to make a tribute to his strength and courage through this battle. Cheers for a victory for this brave gladiator!!! What a wonderful wife you are.

  19. Beautiful! A truly awesome idea of yours, a very special design indeed.

  20. Beautiful! I love the symbolism of it. I know this will be a special piece for both of you. I keep you both in my prayers.

  21. So glad stitching can help you. I think without stitching I would be insane. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your husband.

  22. This just touches my heart! I can't wait to see the progress of you stitched piece.

  23. Such a moving and spiritual piece to do for Ron and for you too! You are taking the journey together and how wonderful to do a native american will soothe your would and guard your prayers. Can't wait to see more! Will keep you and Ron in my prayers.
    The Stitching Bear

  24. So beautiful.....and so grateful you can use your talents and creativity to deal with the rough spots in life. God gave you an amazing gift to help you through this all.

  25. It looks amazing and knowing all the prayers and heart going into makes it even more so!

  26. Anonymous12:37 PM

    What a beautiful piece you are stitching! Prayers to you and Ron!

  27. Anonymous4:47 PM

    The piece is lovely, Diane. My husband was diagnosed with cancer two years ago. He did go through chemo and is continuing treatment with meds, so this hits home! Continued best wishes to Ron and to you. It is a scary time but it has made me treasure every day!

  28. Of course you will go on - a truly beautiful, blessed heirloom!

  29. Diane, what an inspirational piece you are sewing. I wish Ron all the best on this challenging journey.

  30. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Your blog is very useful for me.I really like you post.Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for taking time from your day to drop me a line or two!
