Living in Arizona, we have seen some really gorgeous weather recently. It's very inspiring. After being in the needlework industry for so many years and releasing hundreds of designs, I sometimes wonder if I'll run out of ideas.
Then along comes beautiful weather and there is inspiration everywhere!
We recently released two new designs.
The first is Red Rooster Inn.
I love the "Inns" that we have done over the years.
Red Rooster Inn |
This one is a throwback to years ago....
It's called "The Inn at Fox River Mill" and stands as my all-time favorite Inn.
The Inn at Fox River Mill |
Moving on.....our second release is called "Homestead Sampler."
I love the combination of lettering and design.
Homestead Sampler |
My initials are on the chart but I would suggest you replace them with your own. The design represents the women who went before us, settling The West and Midwest territories. The beautiful frame is from Valley House Primitives and is called The Bisbee. I've used it before and I love it. The character makes something new look a little older.
There WILL BE a Hoffman exclusive release at the Nashville 2016 Market. A photo will come later. There will also be a free chart featuring three new threads from Classic Colorworks with the purchase of those threads.
Lot's of fun ahead! Be sure to tell your local shop to be on the look-out for you!
So many have asked what the future holds for Little House and a series. I have been waiting to get beyond the one year mark on my BC surgery to commit but now that I've designed it, I'm letting the cat out of the bag. Yes, there will be a new series and it will start in June or July of this year assuming all goes well on my one year scan. I'm excited!
Happy Stitching!