The end of the year comes with a bit of sadness as the ornament series comes to a close. However I have to say, that what is coming in 2013 is more exciting for me than ornaments. Tomorrow we will give you a small peek at what is coming in January. All I'll say today is that it is a series of twelve designs . . . . stitch one or stitch them all. It will be your choice just like the ornaments. The photo of the first design will go up right after the new year instead of mid-month like we usually do.
Saltbox Village |
I saved the Saltbox Village ornament for last. . . . . . I love the red bow Vonna put on top for finishing. Thank you all for stitching and falling in loving the ornament series. Perhaps we'll do it again some day but I'm taking a break from them for now to design some other fun stitching projects. :)
And the very last design this year is the reproduction by Mary Ann Myers dated 1827. The birds! Do you see all six of them??? I fell in love instantly when I saw this sampler. So you may be asking why I chose gingham for a reproduction. When I began to think about how I wished to present this design as a chart, I wanted to mimic the playfulness at the bottom of the design and add more interest to the lettering. Marking samplers are awesome, but don't you think the gingham just sets the design off? I'd like to think Mary Ann would approve.
In the pattern itself I discuss the Quaker leanings of this design. It is American, from Pennsylvania but is not proven to be a Quaker. I have identified the young girl through genealogy research which is included in the chart. I'd love to hear opinions if you have any expertise in this area of identification.
The chart has a bit of over-one stitching. If you are an aida stitcher this design would not be for you.
And a note of a more personal nature to share with you. . . . . . my step-father passed away on October 25th. Many of you have come to know my mom over the years and know how she has helped to play a vital role in the business. She has put stitching on hold for now but hopefully can get back to it some day down the road. She has stitched some of my favorite designs like Thirteen Colonies and Elizabeth Hancock just to name a few. I'm afraid her eyes are just not cooperating were her any more to do such fine work as the eye problems she is experiencing are very troublesome. It makes those models she has stitched even more precious to me.
The year 2013 will be very special for us! We will be celebrating ten years in self-publishing in September. We plan on celebrating that marker with some fun give-aways throughout the year.
Tune in tomorrow when we announce the first of two new series! Did I say two? Oops! Another secret just slipped out of the bag!